Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let's try this again

I am obviously a very bad blogger. Four widely-spaced posts, and then nothing for more than three years. That's just sad. So I've decided to try again and see if I can do any better this time. Maybe someone will read it, or maybe not. But the possibility that something I write or show could help or entertain another fiber geek makes me feel it's worth giving it another go. I've gotten lots of enjoyment and education out of other people's blogs, so I'd like to try to give something back. I've also been doing a lot of knitting lately, and this is a good place to share it.

My latest project is a pair of Vampire Boyfriend socks. I've wanted to make them forever but couldn't find exactly the right color of yarn (and it had to be exactly right. How could I accept anything less for a tribute to my secret vampire love?) Fortunately, I finally stumbled across Cascade Heritage in Red. It's precisely what I envisioned - not orangey or too bright, and not too dark. Perfect!

So after my long wait, I got the yarn a couple of weeks ago. Then I wouldn't let myself start them. I was trying to be disciplined and finish other projects first. I was also having bad knitting juju. Seemed like everything I touched turned to poop. I couldn't do anything right. I was afraid if I started them it would be a disaster, and I would have been crushed.

That finally seems to have cleared up, and I couldn't resist casting them on at 1AM this morning, when I should have been in bed. I only knitted half a round, but it was enough to appease the gnawing sock-beast within. I should finish my Pogona tonight, but I have a feeling the beast will demand more Vampire Boyfriend. And you can't argue with the sock-beast.

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