Friday, August 31, 2007

No more photos.....

At least not for a while. My camera died on Sunday evening. Very distressing, considering it's not even 2 years old! And I had things to share.....

I finished Sivia Harding's Journey Cable socks on Sunday. I used JaWoll in bright orange (o159). I enjoyed the pattern, and they turned out very well, if I do say so myself. This is the second sock in progress:

The pattern is sized for babies and women's medium and large. However, the husbeast really liked them and wants a pair. I'm not sure if I'm going to alter the pattern or just knit them on bigger needles. He doesn't have giant feet, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I got my order from KnitPicks on Wednesday. Yarn joy! I ordered Essential in the new Peacock Multi, and Felici in Pebble and Arugula. I'm on a sock jag. Which is what lead to the other item in my order: 6 sets of nickel plated dpn's in sock-appropriate sizes. I know it sounds excessive, but, but.... it was a really good price, and they came in a set, and I never have enough little needles and I JUST WANTED THEM, OKAY?! All right, so I'm a little defensive about the needle stockpiling thing. I also thought, "What if I hate them? Now I have 6 sets to hate." I've never been a big fan of metal needles - I'm more of a bamboo girl. Not anymore. I love them, I love them, I love them! Awesome, fabulous, wunderbar. I knit like the wind. I can't believe I've been missing out all this time. Imagine all the FO's I could have had...

Seriously, they are great needles. Especially for the price, which averaged out to about $5 a set. They are smooth as glass, and have a nice balance to them. They have some weight without being heavy, and they have a solid feel to them, which I like. I have a tendency to hold my needles very tightly (okay, it's a death grip). This can cause annoying warping in bamboo needles, and in lighter metal ones. While this doesn't seem to affect the knitting, it offends my sensibilities. Best of all, these babies are FAST. I cast on Grumperina's Jaywalker socks in the Peacock early on Wednesday evening. By the time I went to bed last night I had finished the heel and gusset and was into the foot. Amazing. Two evenings and I'm 3/4 of the way through a sock. I am not generally a lightening-fast knitter (something which makes me a little self-conscious), but these needles have turned me into The Flash. I will definitely be purchasing more. I'm thinking about buying the Options set. I love my Denises, but you can never have too many needles.

As for the yarn, I'm diggin' it. I'm never too sure about colorways. I can be very picky and I am often disappointed, but this is really nice. Deep, saturated shades of purple, green and teal. Lovely if you like those colors, and truly peacock-like. Since I have a thing about peacocks, it's perfect.

 A peacock, just for fun:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Chilly Chicken

My mother-in-law is always cold. 98 degree heat wave? Ma's cold. She wears hoodies in the summer. I call her my chilly chicken (don't ask). She has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and since Chicago in August is one of the worst places to be if you have breathing problems, she has to run the air conditioner all the time. You know, like a normal person would in August in Chicago. Living here is a little like living in the Amazon, but without the interesting animals and attractive scenery.

Of course, my mother-in-law is always cold because she has no adipose tissue (read: fat). I offered to give her some of mine (I have plenty to share). Or I could make her a shawl. Strangely, she opted for the shawl.

I finished the Wing O' the Moth shawl last week and finally blocked it yesterday. It did not block well, and I am not entirely happy with it. I think the main problem was the cast off. The instructions say "bind off in knit". So I did a plain old-fashioned knitted bind off. Uh-uh. I make every effort to bind off loosely, and I even used a needle 3 1/2 sizes larger than what I used to knit the shawl. It was still too tight. I thought so before I blocked it, but I thought maybe the knitting gods would make magic and it would be all right. Nope. The fir cone stitch didn't open up as much as I would have liked, and I couldn't get a really good stretch on the coronas. And believe me, I am an aggressive blocker. Poop.

I did not frog. I did not fix it. I admit it - I am lazy. And I knew my mother-in-law would love it anyway. But if I were to make the shawl again (which I may) I would use a different bind off.

Here it is being modeled by the lovely Eleanore. I know the photos could be better, but it's the best I could manage in a pinch. No time for a real photo shoot, since I must rush it to the recipient before she freezes to death in her own home!

The chicken will be chilly no more.

Pattern: Wing O' the Moth
Yarn: KnitPicks Alpaca Cloud in Sand, 3 hanks
Needles: Size 7 (size 10.5 for binding off)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ready or not, here I come

This is my first posting, so please be kind. I'm hoping that the first is the hardest - I've been angsting about it for more than a week. Clearly, I am prone to stage fright. I know there are already tons of knitting and/or fiber-related blogs, but here I am adding one more.

Why? I need more fiber friends. I'm calling this a fiber blog, although for the moment it will be primarily knitting-focused. But since I have the attention span of a gnat I am sure my other fiber-related obsessions will make rapid appearances.

I am a knitter/crocheter/seamstress/spinner/bead weaver. My resume (to bolster my fiber cred):
  • I've been knitting off and on for eons (well, since I was 12, anyway). I was a lapsed knitter for many years, but about 3 years ago I picked up my needles with a vengeance.
  • I learned to crochet when I was 5.
  • I completed my first solo sewing project (a robe for my sister) when I was 9.
  • I learned to use a drop spindle about 10 months ago and have been spinning (badly, I might add) ever since.
  • I've been messing around with beads almost since I can remember (my sister took me to my first bead shop when I was 3). I started using off-loom weaving techniques (i.e. peyote, brick, etc.) about 10 years ago.
So that's my fiber life in a nutshell. I guess I'm starting this blog because I want people with whom to share my triumphs and tribulations. People who will relate to my strange yarn and textile fixations. Kindred souls who understand my insatiable craving for just one more skein/ball/hank/yard..... So, welcome to my world.